Monday, September 30, 2019

Diversity Reflection Journal Essay

Powell addresses a number of stereotypes and one of them is that women lack male characteristics, which are much appreciated in management. They are less aggressive and more compassionate, which make them not as valuable as men in managerial positions. Even though female leadership becomes more and more common in the world, women still have to prove that their really deserve to have those positions. Moreover, they have to cope with various attitudes concerning their behavior and decisions. Most of them are quite different from traditionally male, ambitious, self-confident, straightforward managers cultivated in the world. They are perceived as to be milder more compassionate, less solid in their opinions, weaker as personalities. Even though I do approve the increase of women in business and management, reading this book it has become clear to me that in some way my opinions and attitudes are affected by this old and very widespread stereotype about female and male roles at work. This stereotype strongly influences my perception of diversity at work because it some way it shows that men are better at decision-making, planning, negotiations and management at all. Women receive the role of reformers, support and other roles, which are to follow someone at work. This stereotype also sends me back to the way of perceiving women as being weaker than men. Influenced by this stereotype, they are perceived as having less power to influence other people, control them. Also, there are seen as less respected that their male colleagues. Of course, in some cases when I know the background of a person I can assess him or her without reference to this stereotype, but when it comes to generalization, especially when I hear about misfortunes of the company, for me it is much better to blame management and refer to gender than to estimate the failure as coincidence. I am not poisoned by this stereotype and in most of the cases I catch myself thinking in this wrong way, but sometimes such thoughts still appear and I cannot remove them from my mind completely. This perception of females was formed under the classical thought that women are weaker than men. This thought is still common because most of world societies are patriarchal. I have formed my perception of gender based on my family. There is a clear gender stratification of mother’s work and father’s work. Mother was more likely to look after kids, cook and do all other things women usually did. Father did different male things like repairing the car, maintaining something in the house etc. In fact, I perceived mother’s work to be easier that father’s work and it made an impression and constant thoughts that mother could not do the same things my father did. This way of thinking is extremely difficult to overcome because it appeared when I was a child. When I was born, people used to think and behave in a bit different way they do now. Today parents tend to share their work around the house, pay equal attention to their children and participate in their upbringing equally. When I was a child, it was a common thing to look at everything through gendered prism. In this way, it is not surprising that I think in this way. Though, I think that this stereotype is dying in our society today. In order to reinforce my thoughts and perceptions, I can encounter several examples. First of all, it is the success of Apple. I cannot imagine any women who can organize the same company and become the same popular. I attribute most of the success of the company to Steve Jobs and his managerial skills. Other successful corporations like Google or Microsoft are founded and managed by men, which is not a surprise for me. However, recently I have found out that HTC founder and CEO is female, and that was a really great surprise for me. It is not a secret that the number of women obtaining top managerial positions is increasing day by day; roles of the best of the best managers are associated with male managing styles. In the world of technology most companies belong to men and the achievement of CEO if HTC achievement challenges my perception of women in business. The second thing is that there have been no female presidents in the history of the United States. People tend to rely on men more than on women. Mrs. Clinton wanted to change the situation but failed. It shows that most people still count on their stereotypical perception of females more than on objective reality, which clearly states that women already can do something to prove their ability to manage something starting from their own company to a huge business or the whole country. People do advocate that men and women have the same opportunities today, but, overall, there are many stereotypes, which work against women and cannot be removed at once. There are some world countries, where presidents are female, but they create a minority out of all world countries. These facts show that women still need to prove that they can achieve the same success because of societal pre-attitude to their abilities, performance and ideas. Biased attitude to gender at work is experienced by every person in the United States. In my life, I had many examples of biased attitude to women as well as men. For instance, once we were asked to move to the conference hall for meeting and there were not enough chairs for all of us to sit. It was clear that male employees were asked to bring more chairs because they were male. To add to the point, the stereotype â€Å"male equals strong† was not common at that case because most of female employees were into sports as outrageous followers of healthy lifestyle. The opposite things happened when all employees, as a part of team-building, decided to watch the movie after work. Everything was fine, but female employees were asked to prepare some snacks (order a delivery) because they knew better what was good for their company. These are minor things but they take place almost everywhere. People still follow old gender stratification model typical for patriarchal societies, where men get everything and women hide in the shadow of their success. America is moving to the acceptance of a new neutral model of gender stratification where both genders deserve equal treatment. Yet, people cannot forget their long history and change their attitudes practices by millenniums in 10 years. Even I, as a representative of a younger generation, cannot get rid of all the old stereotypes about gender at work. References: Powell, G. (2010). Women and Men in Management, 4th Edition By N. W.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Danger of Isolation

Othello is a Shakespearean tragedy which depicts the incompatibility of military heroism and love; the danger of isolation. I personally think that Othello conveys the balance of human strengths and weaknesses amidst good and evil in society. In my opinion, Othello is a cultural and a racial outsider who is a bold, strong, courageous, naive and foolish. Throughout the play Othello represents the strengths and weaknesses in society. The villain, Iago is fascinating for his most terrible characteristic: his utter lack of convincing motivation for his actions. Iago is often funny, especially in his scenes with Roderigo, which serve as a showcase of Iago’s manipulative abilities. It is Iago’s talent for understanding and manipulating the desires of those around him that makes him both a powerful, evil and interesting character. I think that Iago represents those in society who desire power and vengeance. Desdemona is a more plausible, well-rounded figure than much criticism has given her credit for. Desdemona is at times a submissive character, most notably in her willingness to take credit for her own murder. Jealousy has the power to destroy. It destroys both Iago, jealous that Michael Cassio has received an appointment over him, and Othello, who is jealous that his wife may love Cassio. Many things can cause a person to choose to isolate themselves like: sickness, hurt feeling, confusion, fear, embarrassment, confrontation, loneliness, shame, anger and inferiority. These things are believed to carry a pain which cannot be shared with others and must be dealt with in seclusion. However, Isolation weakens your defenses. In the bible it states, â€Å"Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not broken easily† (Ecclesiastes 4: 12). This can interpreted that it is better surround your self with others company for greater forces. It is said that people who isolate themselves are sometimes arrogant. They believe that they are able to stand alone and fight battles. They should humble themselves because they could always use help. A person that is isolated is easier to defeat than someone who stands with an â€Å"army. † Shakespeare focuses more on the differences in color and age between Othello and Desdemona than Cinthio. Shakespeare does this to escalate Othello’s isolation from the rest of Venetian society and to display Othello’s vulnerability due to his color. In the tragedy not only is Othello susceptible to weaknesses but so is every major character. The tragedy reminds humans that even one’s good nature can be taken advantage of for the worse. The drama Othello expresses, through relationships and emotional attitudes, a theme that all humans are vulnerable to destruction even if they are in positions of power and glory. 1. No comments The action of Othello moves from the town of Venice to the island of Cyprus. Protected by military bases as well as by the forces of nature, Cyprus faces little threat from external forces. Once Othello, Iago, Desdemona, Emilia, and Roderigo have come to Cyprus, they have nothing to do but prey upon one another. Isolation enables many of the play’s most important effects: Iago frequently speaks to himself. Othello stands apart while Iago talks with Cassio in Act IV, scene i, and is left alone onstage with the bodies of Emilia and Desdemona for a few moments in Act V, scene ii; Roderigo seems attached to no one in the play except Iago. And Othello is visibly isolated from the other characters by his physical stature and the color of his skin. Iago is an expert at manipulating and isolating his victims so that they fall prey to their own obsessions. At the same time, Iago, of necessity always standing alone, falls prey to his own obsession with revenge. The characters cannot be islands, the play seems to say: self-isolation as an act of self-preservation leads ultimately to self-destruction. Such self-isolation leads to the deaths of Roderigo, Iago, Othello, and even Emilia.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Marketing - Mini-cooper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Marketing - Mini-cooper - Essay Example Demand in the United States, especially, has taken off, thanks to a marketing strategy designed to build mystique through stealth advertising and limited distribution†( Maynard) Mini Cooper has attracted world not only because of the unique features, but because of the innovative marketing strategies as well. The manufacturer BMW has created waves of innovation in marketing and advertising strategies adopted for their car Mini Cooper which captured the attraction of the worldwide people. This paper briefly analyses the features of Mini cooper and the marketing strategies adopted by BMW for marketing their product mini cooper in international market. â€Å"From the toggle switches for the windows and fog lights to the rocker buttons for the fan-speed controls, every switch and dial in the Mini feels of a piece with Mini and only the Mini. In truth, some of the components are gently massaged BMW parts, but thats not really obvious. And besides, BMW is a prestigious brand, so its not as if youre getting second hand Daewoo stuff in your Mini†( Frank). Mini Cooper is not only attractive in appearance, but it is filled with lot of useful features which other cars of same type may not possess. Its hatch layout is well designed, with a low well for groceries and with seat uprights that flip forward 50/50. Mini Cooper excels in safety features also compared to its competitors. It has defeated its competitors in most of the road tests and also excelled in National Highway Traffic Safety Administration crash tests. Moreover, it comes with six airbags (front, side, headliner), while its competitors only has standard front airbags. F or an additional $500, people can purchase a Mini Cooper with stability control that will help keep the car on track in an emergency situation. ‘A marvelous marriage of British character and German know-how, the 2009 Mini Cooper is stylish, fun to drive and remarkably good on gas. Stellar fuel economy, sharp handling, excellent all-around

Friday, September 27, 2019

Reflection Paper 2-1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reflection Paper 2-1 - Essay Example The intellectual human resource management school of thought that underlies the above recommended change is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs (Cherry, n.d.). If the employees’ lower level needs mentioned in Maslow’s hierarchy which includes job security/compensation are not satisfied, the employees cannot be motivated to work well. If they do not do their best in their jobs, they cannot be assets to society; therefore, will not be able to contribute to the improvement of the economy. Another reform that must be instituted is the passing into law of the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) which â€Å"would enable working people to bargain for better benefits, wages and working conditions by restoring workers’ freedom to choose for themselves whether to join a union† (AFL-CIO, 2011). The AFL-CIO goes on further to say that the EFCA will allow employees to enter into a collective bargaining agreement without any hindrances (2011). Moreover, it can guarantee that these employees can have a contract. With the passing of the EFCA the employees may be allowed â€Å"to form unions by signing cards authorizing union representation† (AFL-CIO, 2011). If the EFCA is passed, it would be easier to form unions without the usual harassment from management. Further, it will provide for more rigid penalties for companies who violate the law of the right of the workers to organize. The EFCA reform is also in line with Maslow’s hierarchy of needs in that it will satisfy both the security and social needs of a person. Employees always seek for better wages and better working conditions to meet his physiological and security needs. Being part of a union satisfies the social needs of the workers. The EFCA will reinforce the satisfaction of these needs; thus, it is important that this reform be implemented. Aside from the reforms stated

Thursday, September 26, 2019

International business memo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

International business memo - Essay Example Presented below is an outline of actions that need to be undertaken to successfully enter the Peruvian market. Firstly, it describes the current internal operations of ICC. Secondly, it illustrates relevant actions involving business strategy, form of international business, organisational structure, marketing strategy, IT and supply chain, which are essential for a successful expansion in Peru. This will significantly help in evaluating on whether or not expanding to Peru is an effective strategy for ICC. Objectives: Strategy: Global Orientation provide effective solution to the various chemical needs of clients across different industries effectively and efficiently distribute commodity chemical products to a broad range of industries in larger geographic areas Value Chain Configuration Take advantage of the strategic location of chemical suppliers in America Key Advantages consistently deliver industrial firms with cost efficient and high value chemical products expand distributio n of chemical products from Peru to potential markets in South America efficiently Take advantage of the strength of Industrial Chemicals Corporation maximise the benefit from the relationships with suppliers to deliver high value chemical solutions Key Disadvantage need to invest heavily in ways to increase cooperation and efficiency in the flow of chemical products from US headquarters to Peru Form of International Business Equity Alliance Enter into a strategic partnership with an existing industrial chemical distributor in Peru by gaining a minority ownership of the Peru based chemical distributor avoid exposure to high strategic, operational, and legal business risks Out of 185 countries, Peru got the 43rd spot for the best places for doing business in 2013 (World Bank) Peru ranked 44th based on the 2013 economic freedom indicator, and has the 29th freest economy among the 29 countries in Central and South America (â€Å"Peru†) Potential Problems Weak Ranking in the free dom from corruption Ratings from the freedom from corruption index is very much below the world average ((â€Å"Peru†)) Business Practices of Informal Sector About 70% of firms directly compete with unregistered businesses which is higher than the regional average of 62% (World Bank) Business Culture Differences Time Orientation Time is regarded with flexibility so it is usual to start a meeting late As an investor, it is still important to arrive on time during a business meeting (â€Å"Business Culture,† par. 1) High Power- Distance (â€Å"National Culture Dimensions,† par. 1) Hierarchical form of organisations tend to dominate; decision making is concentrated on the top (â€Å"Business Culture,† par.10) It is essential to conduct business meeting with top executives since they make the key decisions (â€Å"Business Culture,† par.10) Low Individualism (â€Å"National Culture Dimensions,† par. 4) Business relationship reflects their strong preference for collectivism; a reflection of their closely knit family relationships (â€Å"Business Culture,† par. 2) Inquiries on family matters are common during initial stage of business meeting (â€Å"Business Culture,† par. 3) Searching for the best complementary strategic partner: Conduct an analysis on the performance and culture of every potential alliance partner which operates in Peru Key characteristics of an effective strategic partner: Committed and trustworthy potential partner (Mohr & Spekman, 135) Potential

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Locals spend lavishly thanks to windfall from IPOs Essay

Locals spend lavishly thanks to windfall from IPOs - Essay Example "I took a Karwa taxi to the Industrial Area from the Old Airport locality on Friday evening and I paid QR30 as one-way fare It is too much," he said. Even a Qatari national, Yahya Abdul Rahman, felt the sheep were costlier this Eid. He blamed house rents as the single culprit for the rising cost of living and said he had let out four houses to expatriate tenant families and raised rents only marginally. "I have concern for them," he said of his tenants. The article mainly talks about how locals in Doha, Qatar enjoy affluent lifestyles as opposed to foreign expatriates. Expatriates are people who are temporarily living in another country, the culture of which different from the one they are from. The locals' and the expatriates' economic and financial differences are highlighted during the Eid al-Adha or Feast of Sacrifice, the most important feast of the Muslim. The feast is celebrated by sacrificing domestic animals, particularly sheep. The article narrates how it is easy for an average Qatari to purchase a fair number of sheep, while the foreigners struggle to buy even just one. The local Qataris can manage to be extravagant because of the "booming stock market" especially initial public offerings (IPO... He blamed house rents as the single culprit for the rising cost of living and said he had let out four houses to expatriate tenant families and raised rents only marginally. "I have concern for them," he said of his tenants. "Landlords are greedy," he said of property owners, his fellow countrymen. "Rising inflation is not good for all of us." Section: Local News Accessed 1/9/2006 from 1.2 Commentary The article mainly talks about how locals in Doha, Qatar enjoy affluent lifestyles as opposed to foreign expatriates. Expatriates are people who are temporarily living in another country, the culture of which different from the one they are from. The locals' and the expatriates' economic and financial differences are highlighted during the Eid al-Adha or Feast of Sacrifice, the most important feast of the Muslim. The feast is celebrated by sacrificing domestic animals, particularly sheep. The article narrates how it is easy for an average Qatari to purchase a fair number of sheep, while the foreigners struggle to buy even just one. The local Qataris can manage to be extravagant because of the "booming stock market" especially initial public offerings (IPOs). IPOs are the first sale of stock offered by a private company to the public, stocks being the element of ownership in a corporation. IPOs can only be offered once, many people take advantage of the opportunity. It is typical for the value of IPOs to rise on debut. However, many fall below the offering prices before the year ends. Because of this investing in IPOs are risky, as with all other investments. But even with the booming shares in the Doha Securities Market (up to 98% in 2005), economists raise concern that it might

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Research Methodology (different forms of participant observation) Essay

Research Methodology (different forms of participant observation) - Essay Example This is not to say that quantitative methods are not used in overt operations. However, during a covert operation mostly quantitative methods are used as qualitative method demands the direct and conscious involvement of the participants during a test. (Banerjee, 2005) One of the primary ways in which overt methodology is defined is in terms of its difference from the so-called 'pure sciences' such as physics, chemistry, biology etc. Its use of theory and methodology is, therefore, closely related to this distinction. Academics of marketing often emphasize what too many of us are utterly obvious, that there is no certainty in the study of marketing sciences. This is because marketing not only deals with fiscal variables but also it deals with humanity, which is inherently transient. Taking this element of transience into consideration marketing scientists has to use not just quantitative but also qualitative methods of study. (Fletcher, 2005) A Qualitative method of study differs from the usual quantitative methods (used in the study of pure sciences) in the sense that it tends to be far more subjective. This is in sharp contrast to the methods used in pure sciences which are exclusively objective. The research methods for marketing are a combination of both quantitative and qualitative methods. ... ms of such data and not in terms of the terminology used in ordinary sciences this broader outlook is far more applicable in the study of social sciences. In keeping with the methodology employed in marketing researches the theories too are formulated and used keeping in mind that they aren't necessarily applicable to all conditions. Be it psychology, history, political science or economics human events are most likely to influence the rules which define the basic theories of a marketing subject. Success in the field of marketing researches can therefore be achieved if and only if it is understood that the subject has no space or opportunity for water-tight methodologies or theories. (Berkowitz, 2004) It can always be stated that Qualitative research is a process that includes interpretative paradigm under the measures of theoretical assumptions and the entire approach is based on sustainability that is depended on people's experience in terms of communication. It can also be mentioned that the total approach is based on the fact that reality is created on the social formulations. It can also be mentioned that the basic target of qualitative research is instrumented towards social context under normal circumstances where it would be possible to interpret, decode and describe the significances of a phenomenon. The entire process is operational under the parameter of interpretative paradigm that can minimize illusion and share subjectivity under contextualization, authenticity and complexity of the investigation. (Rigby, 2005) The basic advantages of qualitative measures are multifold. Firstly, it presents a completely realistic approach that the statistical analysis and numerical data used in research based on quantitative research cannot provide. Another advantage of

Monday, September 23, 2019

Carbon based pollutants Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Carbon based pollutants - Research Paper Example This paper will first focus on CO2 emissions discussing its negative impact on health. Then, the paper focusing on the government’s role in reducing CO2 emissions will discuss the Caps and Trade policy of the US government and the American New Clean Energy and Security Act. Among the various detrimental greenhouse gases, CO2 is the one that has the most virility. Although, on a molecule-for-molecule basis, methane is a more intense greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide, but as it is present only in small quantities, its effect is minimal when compared to CO2. (Schobert, 2002). CO2 levels have shown an uphill path due to rampant industrialization that started in the 19th century. With economics deciding the fate of a country as well as of an individual, Industrialization acted as a ‘catalyst’ for economics as well as environmental degradation. â€Å"Humans have been modifying the environment through processes associated with industrialization...One of the most important results of these activities has been increased emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2)† (Berliner, 2004). The common medical fact is humans have to exhale CO2, as high exposure of CO2 and build up of it in the human body will kill the person. However, CO2, emitted from the ind ustries as well as fuel based vehicles, are physically as well as mentally harming humans, other living beings and also the environment. The high exposure of CO2 will affect or injure the human’s organs including heart, lungs, etc causing many diseases like lung diseases, breathing problems, cancers and even death. The results of a study covering few heart patients from Boston showed that, carbon pollutants particularly from traffic exhausts was found to increase ST-segment depression, a condition in which there is a reduction in the hearts ability to conduct electricity. â€Å"When levels of black carbon and particulates in the air

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Case bmw Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Case bmw - Essay Example Other commitments that come with committing to the Aerospace Industrial Strategy are ATI (HM Government 6). Finally, BMW needs to have a huge pool of capital to venture into such as business. The aerospace industry rates among the most expensive in the world, and; therefore, any firm willing to venture into this business should have a wide pool of capital (HM Government 6). The aerospace industry is highly rated (HM Government 44). It adds huge value to a company. Investors are willing to invest in firm that will give ample returns of their investment; thus BMW will have a wide pool of investors due to their planned venture into this industry. This endeavour will also allow BMW to follow regulatory issues in the aerospace sector. It will allow their firm to have a wider pool of talented workers because in a highly valued sector, there is a much wider pool of talent compared to other sectors (HM Government 44). Normally, investors will look at a firm’s position and evaluate their performance; therefore, if BMW is willing to venture into this sector, then it will have a much wider pool of investors. HM Government. Lifting Off – Implementing the Strategic Vision for UK Aerospace. N.p, 2013. Web.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Grover Cleveland Essay Example for Free

Grover Cleveland Essay What two issues dominated national politics in the 1870s and 1880s? The money supply and civil-service reform What happened to James Garfields presidency? It never really got started because he was assassinated soon after coming to office. Describe voter participation during the late nineteenth century. It was generally very high––usually from 80 percent up to 95 percent. Why did the federal government tend to ignore the social consequences of industrialization during the late nineteenth century? Most American leaders, regardless of party, believed in the laissez-faire doctrine and did not support a large governmental role in the economy. Where was the Democratic Party strongest in the late nineteenth century? The South What is the Bankers: position on the money supply? limit, because it would create economic stability What did the civil-service reformers of the late 1870s and early 1880s want? a civil service staffed by gentlemen who needed nothing and wanted nothing from government except the satisfaction of using their talents. What were goals of the Greenback party? What is the tariff policy of the administration of Benjamin Harrison? A record-high tariff What did the Pendleton Act do? It initiated civil-service reform. Describe the 1884 presidential campaign. Mugwumps bolted from the Republican Party. Cleveland admitted he had fathered an illegitimate child. A clergyman denounced Democrats as the party of â€Å"rum, Romanism, and rebellion.† The Republicans nominated a candidate who â€Å"wallowed in spoils like a rhinoceros in an African pool.† What impact did the McKinley tariff have on tariff rates? It raised tariffs to the highest levels in American history up until that time. What was the Grange? AKA the Patrons of Husbandry It was an organization of farmers that provided social, political and economic support and community What was the main importance of the governments establishment of the Interstate Commerce Commission? It ended the ability of states to regulate railroads within their boundaries. What was the initial commitment of the farmers alliance movement. The movement initially advocated farmers cooperatives and eventually turned to politics. What did Southern Alliance leader Charles Macune argue? Farmers should be able to store crops in government warehouses and then borrow against those crops until prices rose. During the late nineteenth century, what was the relationship between the southern agrarian protest movement and southern attitudes toward blacks? Some Populists wanted to build an interracial movement and tried to defend the rights of blacks. Most southern Populists were anti-black but some Populists denounced lynchings and the convict-lease system. The white elite tried to inflame agrarian racism and stimulate urban black sentiment against agrarian radicalism. What were the goals of the Populist party? It wanted the government to nationalize the railroads. It wanted an increased money supply. It wanted to elect U.S. senators directly. It wanted to enact a graduated income tax. What tools did southern states use to disenfranchise blacks after Reconstruction? literacy tests, poll taxes, grandfather clauses, property requirements In late-nineteenth-century cases dealing with the rights of blacks, what did the Supreme Court decide? What did the Supreme Court argue in Plessy v. Ferguson? Racial segregation was constitutional as long as each race had equal facilities. What did the separate but equal doctrine mean? As long as facilities were equivalent, they did not have to be integrated. What did Booker T. Washington argue? That black Americans should work hard, develop personally, and refrain from open rebellion How were blacks treated in the North during the late nineteenth century? Public opinion sanctioned widespread de facto discrimination. In the 1892 election, what happened to the Populist party? It received over 1 million votes across the nation. Why did confidence in the gold standard had weakened in the early 1890s? The flow of gold out of the country The inflationary policies of the Democrats A decline in revenue brought about by the high tariff The collapse of a leading London investment bank What event triggered the Panic of 1893? The collapse of a railroad stocks and bonds. Why was the 1892 election significant to U.S. history? The Populist party showed it was a potential threat to the Republican and Democratic parties. Why did Grover Cleveland propose a reduction of the tariff rates? The tariff was feeding a large and growing federal budget surplus. What did Coxeys army want? A $500 million public-works program funded with paper money What did the Wilson-Gorman tariff do? It lowered some duties and made many concessions to protectionists. It became law without the presidents signature. It included a tax on income. What was the main issue in the 1896 presidential election? Free silver Who became famous for the â€Å"Cross of Gold† speech in the 1896 presidential election? William Jennings Bryan In the 1896 election, which area was a center of William McKinleys political support? Urban areas Why is the Currency Act of 1900 significant? It committed the United States to the gold standard. In the 1880s and 1890s, why did many Americans argue that the United States should take a more expansionist role in the world? for the United States to be a great nation, it had to have an empire. American economic health depended on finding overseas markets for American products. Americans had a mission to bring Christianity and civilization to the worlds weaker races. a great nation had to have a great navy, and a great navy needed bases abroad. How did Josiah Strong influence American imperialism at the end of the 19th century? asserted that the United States had a moral responsibility to civilize other races. What were the reasons for the strengthening of American ties to Hawaii in the late nineteenth century? Both missionary activity and naval activity sugar plantation expansion and the election of William McKinley. Who wrote The Influence of Sea Power on History? Alfred Thayer Mahan Where did the United States and Germany almost have a naval clash in the late 19th century? Panama What did the the Teller amendment assert? The U.S. Congress had no desire for control of Cuba. How did William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer change the newspaper industry? They competed for readers by writing sensationalized stories that captured the readers attention. How did the United States deal with Cuba after the Spanish-American War? It kept American troops in Cuba for a number of years. It improved public health, education, and sanitation on the island. It asserted the right to intervene in Cuba when it was necessary. It established a permanent naval base on the island at Guantanamo Bay. Who were the American expansionists in the late nineteenth century? John Hay, Alfred T. Mahan, Henry Cabot Lodge What happened in the Philippines after the Spanish-American War? Filipino resistance fighters fought a protracted and bloody guerrilla war against United States rule. Which of the following was ceded to the United States by Spain as a result of the Spanish-American War? Guam

Friday, September 20, 2019

Marketing Strategies For Hopsitality And Tourism Industry

Marketing Strategies For Hopsitality And Tourism Industry The hospitality and tourism industry is one of the worlds prevalent industries and also the most fragmented with large number of small business. The contribution of hospitality and tourism industry to GDP can be measured in the terms of the revenue generated by tourists (Bardgett 2000). The industry promotes international understanding and gives support to local handicrafts and cultural activities. It is a very important section of a nations economy, particularly in terms of its involvement in the direction of earnings through foreign exchange, production of extra wages and creation of job opportunities. The high flood of foreign tourist traffic has increased demand for certain economic production and distribution activities. The hospitality and tourism industry in todays date is one of the most diverse, exciting, challenging and important industries in any part of the world. It offers career opportunities that are dynamic in nature. A very essential quality in this industry is to possess a driving interest towards ones customer service and a strong sense of professionalism. And not just that what one also needs to know is that, what tourism is, keeping in mind the economic, environmental, social and cultural impacts on it. One needs to know its relationship with other industries, the roles and responsibilities that the organization carries as a whole and as well as of individual staffs. 1.1 Marketing of tourism and hospitality industry Marketing is a delicate combination of art and science (Mahoney, 2005). It is described by Kotle as a management procedure accountable for recognizing, expecting and pleasing client necessities gainfully. An enormous variety of misconceptions are rampant about marketing, the most widespread is its misunderstanding next to selling and advertising. If one looks closely these are nothing more, but types of endorsement or promotion and hence being only a part of marketing. Marketing includes of much more, such as product/service development, place, pricing etc. It requires information about those attracted in what you are offering, such as their likes, where they buy and their limits of expenditure. 1.2 SWOT/ TOWS Analysis Another important aspect that follows strategic formulation is the evaluation of the adopted measures and one of the best ways to do so is by using both SWOT followed by the TOWS analysis. TOWS Analysis is a modified form of SWOT which is used as a standard business analytical tool. The alphabets in both TOWS and SWOT are representation of the words Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. The analysis of the external environment (threats and opportunities), and internal environment (weaknesses and strengths),can help one realise beneficial techniques that can be made use of by the entire organization, a department or a team. Apart from this, SWOT/TOWS analysis can also be used to come up with a course of action, a marketing campaign, or even evaluate ones skills and experiences. (Warnell, 1995) Identifying Strategic Options: As mentioned earlier SWOT or TOWS analysis helps to draw a better judgement of the strategic choices that are present and since strategy is the art of determining how one can win in business; it is a very important step in the evaluation of any organization or industry. This process of evaluation helps us find answers to questions that further help us explore our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Strategic Discussion Through the use of marketing strategy an organization can concentrate its limited resources in the best manner possible so as to increase the profits and be at an advantage as compared to the other organizations. The main goal behind every marketing strategy should be customer satisfaction. The selected marketing strategies are dependent on a variety of components, such as quality, innovation, brand building, marketing expansion, focus, product development, social responsibility, etc. On similar grounds if we talk about Ryanair we can very well see that how the airline completely stands out as a special business from the point of view of the corporate culture it follows. Despite of being an airline it earns through the sale of complimentary products and services that it offers it customers on and off the plane. The company is well liked by its customers for its low cost and admired by its employees for the high salary it gives them. So hence alongside pleasing its customers which is very essential for any business it is also focusing on keeping its staff happy, content and loyal which is an equally important strategy very well thought of. Apart from that the airline makes use of secondary airports rather than primary ones which in turn helps in reducing the expenditure costs leading to higher benefit or profit margins. And hence it can be seen that the chosen organization is doing very well as far as selection and implementation of its marketing strategies is concerned. This comment can be substantiated by the results of PEST analysis and SWOT/TOWS analysis. PEST analysis of Ryanair SWOT /TOWS ANALYSIS FOR RYAN AIR Strengths Weaknesses Low airport charges High service performance A uniform fleet: low maintenance cost Poor customer service Long distance between airports and destinations. Poor relationship with staffs Opportunities Threats Credit crunch: People switch to low cost airlines More countries joining Schengen States Depreciation of US dollars: planes are now cheaper Customers are price sensitive Increase in oil prices Other airlines are reducing costs Increase in air traffic control charges Growth of other substitutes TOWS MATRIX (Weihrich 1982) Internal Elements Organisational strengths Organisational weaknesses Strategic options Strategic options External Elements Environmental opportunities (and risks) SO S2 + O2 Routes expansion S3 + O3 Order new planes WO W3 + O1 Jobs security for staffs Environmental threats ST S1 + T1 Continue to cut fares S2 + T3, T5 Increase frequency of popular routes WT W1, W3 + T3 Focus on staff training W2 + T5 Reduce cost of airport transfers From both of the above shown methods of evaluations it can be seen that credit crunch which generally considered as a big threat is grabbed as a seemingly big opportunity by Ryanair, for it attracts its customers by the focus it keeps on the reduced cost price. And this as can be seen is used by Ryanair as a mean to earn profit. The SWOT table above gives us a brief yet a very indepth summary of not just the internal but also the external analysis of the airlines with highlights of the firms strengths and weaknesses so as opportunities and threats. Based on SWOT, a number of strategic options can be suggested to Ryanair in the form of a TOWS matrix, such as route expansion, ordering new planes and hence increasing frequency of popular routes, focusing on the staff training, which in turn will act towards attracting more customers, offering its staff job security, it can go on further in reducing its prices(which has so far really worked wonder for the airlines). Hence through our evaluations we can see that no doubt Ryanair seems to be doing wondrous work as far as marketing strategies are concerned but there are still a lot many more ways in which it can increase the overall turnover even more, such is the wonder of using apt and multiple marketing strategies. 3.0 Implementation of a strategy using tactics The concept of the marketing is based on the premise that the firms should determine consumer wants and needs before designing products and services. Hospitality and tourism industry brings together the latest developments in the global operations using contemporary management principles (Borden, 2001). 3.1 Marketing Strategy The marketing strategy, ought to be viewed as a cover up of support planned to be a magnet as well as provide the customer or visitor (Naik, 2003). There are various types of strategies that come into play such as competitive strategy, market and resource based strategy, quality and innovation, growth strategies. It is now necessary that one of these have to be used at a time but generally combinations of these are used to achieve optimum results. 3.1.1 External Mix It consists of the 7Ps as well as the external environment. The marketing mix can be controlled by the firm whereas the external environment cannot be. Every industry tries to develop marketing strategies utilizing marketing mix that will establish sustainable competitive advantages leading to long term growth and profitability (Brian, 2003; Zeithaml, Bitner, Gremler, 2003). Product: The product of the marketing mix includes the tangible goods and all of the services that accompany that good to produce the final service or product. More than products it is the various services that make the industry stand ahead of others. Talking about Ryanair, it is doing seemingly well as far as the product aspect is concerned, for its air service and hospitality are no doubt loved by the customers due to the low cost price and well trained and well paid staff. Price: price is the value placed on the service or a product. The tourism and hospitality sector should establish their pricing based on the companies objectives and the target market. One cannot have high fee structures for low-fare airlines. Secondly it is very important to base the prices on the complete cost of production, delivering, promoting as well as managing the services provided. Price doesnt comprise of only the tangible benefits but also the intangible benefits like satisfaction. Ryanair seems to be doing really well as far as the price of its service is concerned for its customer no doubt love the airlines for it low air fare prices. Place: This aspect of the strategy includes the distribution and logistics of producing a product or service and making it available to the final customer. The location of the hotels, restaurants, etc is determined by considering the cost of the resources such as labor, raw material and real estate. In addition it is important to have access to proper transportation. So therefore the first and the most important element to be considered is the location of the hotel or the restaurant. Places away from the central city must be avoided as they would not attract tourists who would want to explore the main city/ town area. The place aspect here could not be incorporated as this is an airline that we are talking about, but still we can for sure bring to light the cost expenditure that the airline is saving by the use of secondary airports rather than the use of the main or primary ones. Promotion: It provides customers with precise and apt information to assist them decide whether to visit. It represents the various aspects of marketing communication, that is, the communication the information about the product with the goal to generate a positive customer response. The information provided by the company should be of significance and sensible use to the likely or existing guest and also precise because only satisfied customer would want to come again and use the same services. People: This is the fifth P of the marketing mix. It is essential that one should have a good, educated and friendly employees. For an organization to have a winning edge over others it is very essential that it recruits the right staff and trains them appropriately for the delivery of the services. Based on the interactions with employs the consumers make opinions and deliver perceptions of the service that was provided to them. Hence it is of utmost importance that the staff should have apt interpersonal skills, attitude, and service knowledge to provide the best service to the consumers who are paying for it. Thus it makes it imperative to have a highly qualified staff to add that extra special touch to the services so that customers who comes once, comes always. This, the airline has no doubt very skillfully taken care of by training it staff very well apart from paying it well too. Process: It constitutes of the schemes used to aid the organization in the process of service deliverance. Timely and excellent quality services are not the only ingredient but the process behind the making of these services is also of importance. Both hospitality and tourism industry have behind the scenes services like kitchens, water boilers, air handling units, maintenance departments, etc. This should be ensured that a customer never come to know about the smooth or ruff running of the process. Same and equivalent services should be provided at all times. These the airline could think of improving on as far as the benefits and services offered by the airlines to its consumers both on and off the flight. Physical Evidence: this again is a component which gives the consumers the opportunity to make judgments about the organization. This no doubt is an essential component of the service mix as based on the sight of the service that is being provided a perceptual impact is made on the consumers about the organization and the service being provided. The organizations that claim to be energy efficient should show it to their customer the process they followed to make their building and services environment friendly. When a customer knows the process behind the delivered service they feel more at ease. For example: if a hotel does vermin-composting to make all biodegradable waste into manure, they should take the guest and children on a eco-walk and show them the pit. This will not only make a good name for the organization but also teach people how to conserve environment (Borden, 2001). This as has been mentioned before too a number of times the airlines has focused on very well by its low cost air tickets and its well trained and well paid staff, skilled staff. 3.2 Interactive Marketing Technology has necessarily altered how companies and their customers communicate, not just online but across other medium (Novak Hoffman, 1997). Consequently interactive thinking needs to be at the heart of all marketing strategy and interactive channels at the heart of all marketing delivery. A company that has developed an easy to use web site with content and appropriate services to its audience is only part-way to achieving successful Internet marketing outcomes (Agrawal, Arjona Lemmens, 2001) This concept focuses on the ever changing trends in the field of marketing . The definition that had been given by John Deighton at Harvard, talks about interactive marketing being an ability which facilitates the organization in having one on one interaction with its customers on a continuous basis. The concept is in no way synonymous with the concept of online marketing, although there is debate that internet technology facilitates the process of interactive marketing to a great extent. The organization can with ease keep a record of all the data related to its customers, can have access to its numerous clients and consumers at the click of a mouse and can interact with them on a day to day continuous basis using the speed of the internet. 3.2.1 Objectives for Interactive Marketing Communications An interactive marketing communications plan usually has three main goals: (1) Use online and offline connections to steer or draw guests passage to a web site. This method is commonly referred to as traffic building. (2) To use on-site communications to bring an effectual point to the guest which helps form customer behaviour or achieve a required marketing outcome. The message delivered on site will be based on traditional marketing communications objectives for a companys products or services. (3) To mix all communications methods to assist attain marketing objectives by supporting mixed-mode buying. (Novak Hoffman, 1997). Ryanair has made use of this strategy by making available to its customers the facility of online booking system, which is not only of convenience to its customers but also greatly reduces the extra cost price as compared to telephone booking. Though it could still go beyond online booking and explore much more options such as customer feedback, special offers, blog site etc on its website by making use of this strategy. 4.0 Conclusion Customer satisfaction in hospitality and tourism industry is very much prejudiced by the way in which the service is delivered. It is a very important fraction of hospitality and tourism management and can be done successfully and well, with classiness and skill, if one keeps in mind the important essentials of marketing. ,This the airline seems to have taken care of in the most skilled manner possible by making use of the various above mentioned strategies. Apart from that what also is important is the evaluation of the marketing efforts. A framework for evaluation could help in shaping which essentials are most important to evaluate. It is hardly ever probable or cost efficient to assess all elements. After this it is very important to compare results with ones objectives and to in the end determine the needed changes in the strategic plan. This in a great way contributes towards improving the efficiency of the strategies that are being used by recognizing the present dissimilarities between real outcomes and anticipated performance. All this in turn will surely help determine the most probable and expected causes for the triumph or crash to achieve the set goals and objectives.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

black boy :: essays research papers

This novel is set in Harlem in New York City. The Grimes migrate to the North in search of new opportunities. Elizabeth bids goodbye to her aunt in Maryland and leaves with Richard. She arrives in New York with great expectations but she is sorely disappointed. "Here, in this great city where no one cared, where people might live in the same building for years and never speak to one another, she found herself, when Richard took her in his arms, on the edge of a steep place and down she rushed, on the descent uncaring, into the dreadful sea." New York is a big and bustling city but it is heartless. The only way Elizabeth and Richard make their existence meaningful is by visiting places of interest in the city on weekends. They go to the Central Park or the Museum of Natural history to take their mind off from the daily drudgery. John Grimes does the same when he has to escape out of his dingy quarters at Harlem. He climbs a hill nearby to view New York in all its majesty and imagines himself to be an influential figure in the city. From there he walks over to mid-town Manhattan and Central Park to get a feel of the city. John experiences a sense of freedom in all the places outside his home at Harlem. His house was "narrow and dirty; nothing could alter its dimensions, no labour could ever make it clean. Dirt was in the walls and the floorboards, and triumphed beneath the sink where roaches spawned; was in the fine ridges of the pots and pans, scoured daily, burnt black on the bottom, hanging above the store; was in the wall against which they hung, and revealed itself where the paint had cracked and leaned outward in stiff squares and fragments, the paper-thin underside webbed with black." In similar quarters live Florence and other Negroes like her. If they look out of their window, they can see "scraps of paper and frosty dust, and --- the hanging signs of stores and storefront churches." In the evenings, the Negro families visit the churches at Harlem called the ‘Temple of the Fire Baptized.’ "It was not the biggest church in Harlem, nor yet the smallest, but John had been brought up to believe it was the holiest and best." John and Roy attend the

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Stephen in A Portrait of the Artist by James Joyce Essay -- James Joyc

Stephen in A Portrait of the Artist by James Joyce Stephen Dedalus, the main character in most of James Joyce's writings, is said to be a reflection of Joyce himself. In A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, the reader follows Stephen as he develops from a young child into a young artist, overcoming many conflicts both internally and externally, and narrowly escaping a life long commitment to the clergy. Through Joyce's use of free indirect style, all of Stephen's speech, actions, and thoughts are filtered through the narrator of the story. However, since Joyce so strongly identifies with Stephen, his character's style and personality greatly influence the narrator. This use of free indirect style and stylistic contagion makes Joyce's use of descriptive language one of his most valuable tools in accurately depicting Stephen Dedalus's developing ideals of feminine beauty. As a very young child Stephen is taught to idealize the Virgin Mary for her purity and holiness. She is described to Stephen as "a tower of Ivory" and a "House of Gold" (p.35). Stephen takes this literally and becomes confused as to how these beautiful elements of ivory and gold could make up a human being. This confusion is important in that it shows Stephen's inability to grasp abstraction. He is a young child who does not yet understand how someone can say one thing and mean something else. This also explains his trouble in the future with solving the riddles and puzzles presented to him by his classmates at Clongowes. Stephen is very thoughtful and observant and looks for his own way to explain or rationalize the things that he does not understand. In this manner he can find those traits that he associates with the Blessed Mary in his pro... ...human desires and realizes how beautiful love, passion, and devotion can be from an artist's perspective. Stephan Dedalus's transformation into a "priest of the arts" is parallel to the early life of James Joyce. Both struggle to deal with the conflicts of childhood and adolescence to find a balance in which they can happily live. Since A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is written in third person, yet employs the characteristics of the protagonist, Stephen Dedalus, the use of descriptive language is essential to the reader's understanding of the novel as a whole. James Joyce excellently uses his talent to successfully communicate Stephen's feelings so that we, the reader, can understand the development of his attitudes and ideals about feminine beauty. Works Cited Joyce, James. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. New York: Penguin Group, 1977.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Nintendo Company Ltd Essay

â€Å"Nintendo Company Ltd .was founded in 1889 as a producer of Japanese playing cards, but by the 1980’s the corporation had turned its attention towards the production of video game hardware and software†. â€Å"Since then, Nintendo has gone on to become the third most valuable company in Japan selling more than 470 million home game consoles and handhelds as of 2009†. Nintendo was founded by Fusejiro Yamauchi the great grandfather of the current president of Nintendo.† Nintendo’s products arose in the mid-1980s from the relative obscurity of the amusement arcade to change the concept of home entertainment in both Japan and the United States†. Strengths: Nintendo â€Å"strongly established brands†, â€Å"robust revenue growth†, â€Å"strong cash flow from operations, and â€Å"Nintendo derived most of its revenue from the video game business, Nintendo was in the lead in video console† (pg.C269). Weakness: Nintendo weakness is â€Å"Inventory shortages†.†Nintendo was unable to meet demand during 2007 and also struggled throughout 2008†.†In an interview on the website Game Theory, Perrin Kaplin, Nintendo vice president of marketing and corporate affairs, suggested that shortages were expected some time†. â€Å"We are at absolute maximum production and doing everything we can†¦but demand continues to be really high† (pg.C273). Also Opportunities: â€Å"Rising demand for company’s products and related software†, â€Å"growing US games software market†, and â€Å"increasing demand for online gaming†. Threats: â€Å"Short products lifecycle†, â€Å"slowdown of the Japanese, the US, and European economies†. â€Å"The five forces may be interdependent i.e. pressures from one direction can trigger off changes in another dynamic process of shifting sources of competition†. â€Å"Industry rivalry here occurs in the strategic alliances i.e. battle to control market†. â€Å"With huge players like Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft there is a tuff battle between companies to dominate the market†. â€Å"The threat of entrants into the industry can be negligible with the existence of players like Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft etc†. â€Å"There can be no substitute to the video games†. â€Å"The Power of Buyers in the video game industry is low as there are very few successful companies in the video game industry, therefore a small variety of video games available to the buyers†. â€Å"On the other hand, the Power of Suppliers is very high as there are more suppliers available to a handful of companies in the video game industry†. â€Å"Nintendo’s goal was to create games that everyone could play and a system that would appeal to women and people who had never played video games in the past† (pg.c273). Nintendo used the three generic strategies: overall cost leadership, differentiation, and focus. Nintendo’s strategy was to attract and target all age groups also to make the Wii easy to use whether the player is skilled or a novice. Nintendo was successful at this strategy because â€Å"According to Nintendo, one of the key differences between the Wii and the competitiors’ systems was the broad audience that the Wii targeted† (pg.c273). â€Å"Many of the Wii games were able to be played by all people of all ages, and they were easier to control than the complicated controllers of the Sony Playstation 3 or Microsoft Xbox 360†. Nintendo’s TV commercials of the Wii showed people of different ages and social classes playing the Wii† (pg.c273). Yes I believe all companies can use the strategy of attracting all age brackets with unique products that are easy, fun to use, and affordable. The Nintendo competitive strategy are that the make their consoles cheaper to manufacture. They can sell the base console at a profit while their competitors have to subsidize the retail price. It also gives Nintendo far more room to maneuver when it comes to using the price mechanism to take on that competition. Nintendo will be able to sustain their competitive advantage if they lack in supply of product with a high demand. What Nintendo need to do is maintain their supply so that it will be able to keep up with their competitors and keep clientele. This is the problem they are having which is a high demand for product with low supply. I believe Nintendo’s strategy has good intentions, if I was in position to advise Nintendo of their strategy is will be to change is their supply and demand. If you have a low supply of product how do you expect to make profit? I would advise them to make sure that there is a high supply of products to keep customers happy because there is a great possibility that the company can lose clientele to other competitors. Some customers go great lengths for entertainment and some will pay any price to have it. Nintendo needs to keep their ratings up along with the other companies that are competing and the only way to do that is to make sure that the products are available and the prices affordable. This was an interesting case to work on and I hope I did a good job. I had no idea Nintendo was founded in 1889, I thought it invented in the 1980’s. After reading this case I know that even the popular companies sometime struggle in certain areas. I have a Nintendo Wii and even though I don’t get to play it often but when I do it’s so much fun. The Nintendo Wii is definitely for all ages like it was mentioned in the case. From reading the case and doing research online helped me learn about how Nintendo was founded and their timeline of products. I learned about their rivalry with Sony, Microsoft, and their struggles with supply and high demand. How However Nintendo Wii price was reasonable compared to the playstation3 and xbox. I believe what attracts customers to the Nintendo Wii is that as far as I can remember Nintendo always included a free game with the console which Sony and Microsoft does not provide. My opinion Nintendo strategy has good intentions but to be the better competitor Nintendo needs all their areas to be strong especially their supply of products. Even if it means to hire more employees or outsource jobs to keep products in stock they should go that extra mile to keep their customers happy.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Blood Donation Srs Essay

The system will consist of CIS Alumni Home page with five selections. The first selection is to fill out a survey. The questions on the survey will be created by a designated faculty member. The survey will ask the Alum questions concerning their degree, job experience, how well their education prepared them for their job, and what can the CIS department do to improve itself. This information will be retained on the departmental server and an e-mail will be sent to the designated faculty member. The second selection is to the Entries section. There are two choices on this page. One choice is to add a new entry. A form is presented to the Alum to be filled in. Certain fields in the form will be required, and list boxes will be used where appropriate. A password typed twice will be required of all new entries. The second selection of the Entries page is to update an Alum entry. A form will be presented allowing the Alum to enter their year of graduation and then to select themselves from a list. A password will be required before the information will be presented to the Alum to be updated. The third selection is to search or e-mail an Alum. A form will be presented requiring the requested Alum’s year of graduation. The requesting Alum will search a table to see if the requested Alum is in the database, and if so non-sensitive information will be returned. At this time the Alum can select to e-mail the Alumnus or search for another Alumnus. If the Alum chooses to e-mail the Alumnus a form will be presented for the message to be entered with the sending Alum’s name and e-mail. The message, with all necessary information will be forwarded to the requested Alum. The e-mail address of the requested Alum will not be seen by the sending Alum as a privacy measure. All pages will return the Alum to the CIS Alumni Home Page. 2. 3. 1. Use Case: Access Alumni Home Page [pic] Figure 2 Access Alumni Home Page Brief Description The Departmental Web Server is waiting on an Alum to connect. Initial step-by-step description For this use case to be initiated, the alum must be connected to the Internet and connected to the University Web Server. 1. The Alum connects to the University Web Server. 2. The Alum selects the Alum link on the CIS home page. 3. The University Web Server passes the Alum to the Alumni Home Page. Reference SRS Use Case: Alum Chooses Survey [pic] Figure 3 Alum Selects Survey Brief Description: The Alum chooses to fill out a survey. Initial step-by-step description: For this use case to be initiated the Alum must be connected to the Internet and on the CIS Alumni Home Page. 1. The Alum selects the â€Å"Fill out a survey† link. 2. The Departmental Server returns the survey form. 3. The Alum fills in the form. 4. The Alum clicks submit. 5. The Departmental Server retains information in the database designated faculty member will be notified. 6. The Departmental Server returns the Alum to the Alumni Home Page. Reference SRS   Use Case: Create New Entry [pic] Figure 4 Alum Selects Create a New Entry Brief Description: The Alum chooses to create a new entry on the Entries page. Initial step-by-step description. For this use case to be initiated the Alum must be connected to the Internet and on the CIS Entries page. 1. The Alum selects the â€Å"Add a New Alum† link. 2. The Departmental Server returns the â€Å"Add a New Alum Form. † 3. The Alum fills in the form. 4.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Amending the Constitution Essay

Step 1: Which route do you choose? The route I chose was Congress route. Smart start! Why? You remembered that, historically, constitutional amendments have never been initiated at national conventions, even though that is one of the two possible methods outlined in Article V. Your decision to use the route that has proved successful in the past increases the odds of your effort succeeding. Question #2: House or Senate First? Step 2: Which route do you choose? The route I chose was the House First. Great choice! Why? You have two distinct advantages in the House that you don’t have in the Senate: (1) you are a senior and respected member, and (2) a block of House members already supports the amendment. If you succeed in the House, your odds of also succeeding in the Senate are increased because the House vote may convince many skeptical senators. Question # 3: Negotiations in the House Step 3: Whose support will you go after? Good move! Why? Fiscal conservatives aren’t overjoyed with your decision, because leaving in the two-thirds language will still allow the government the option to run a deficit. But, they still want some kind of amendment that will make running a deficit more difficult for the government. Moderates, on the other hand, are happy that you’ve sided with them. The result is that the bill passes in the House by a comfortable margin, with only a small block of the most ardent fiscal conservatives voting against it. Question #4: A Court Challenge Step 4: What is your response? Good choice! Why? As your supporters thought, the suit is thrown out. The judge rules that it is without merit. Having wasted no time on the suit, you are ready to begin working on the Senate to pass your proposal. Question #5: Negotiations in the Senate Step 5: What is your response? Smart move! Why? The president gives a forceful speech in support of the proposed amendment and within three weeks the bill passes in the Senate. You’ve achieved your goal of succeeding at stage one of the process. Now you’ve got to turn your attention to getting two-thirds of the states to ratify the amendment, and that could take years. Your work is cut out for you, but you’ve made it farther than most! You Are Proposing a Constitutional Amendment (cont.) Conclusion Amending the U.S. Constitution is not easy. Remember, only 27 amendments to the Constitution have been ratified, while over 10,000 have been proposed. One reason there are so few amendments is that the writers of the Constitution made it very difficult to amend it. The two-stage process established by Article V sets the bar high and ensures that any amendments are supported throughout the land before they are added to the Constitution. Based on what you’ve learned in this simulation, consider the following: * Are there any issues right now that you think have enough support throughout the country to become constitutional amendments? * What is the primary benefit to having a constitution that is so difficult to amend? * What is the primary problem with having a constitution that is so difficult to amend? You have completed this activity. To find out if your professor has made a test available for the activity, close this window and return to your course.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Five Characters in a Comic Scene Essay

Analyzing works of arts does not depend solely on the formalistic approach—the style, the aesthetics, or the form. Most of the time, to give a better analysis, one resorts to the use of context and culture. Here, the work is seen through the eyes of the culture from which the work emerged. Thus, in visual art, the use of cultural narratives is considered as important as the formalist way of critiquing any visual material. â€Å"The Judgement of Paris† by Marcantonio Raimondi and the â€Å"Five Characters in a Comic Scene† by Leonardo da Vinci would be now subjected under analysis through the use of cultural narratives. These cultural narratives are the stories in each culture that suggest possible interpretations for paintings. Being ignorant with these narratives may provide the wrong or altered meanings the visual material wants to convey. It is significant that one holds a background on the culture and context of the artist, including the time frame and the visual symbols in the material. â€Å"The Judgement of Paris† and â€Å"Five Characters in a Comic Scene† both depict the same, certain culture—the Greek. While Raimondi’s work was clearly showing a scene from the rich and vast Greek mythology, Da Vinci was portraying his own interpretations regarding comic characters that were part of early Greek theatre. From this point, an analysis could already be drawn regarding the works. It should be noted that the two works are telling about the Greeks, its tradition and culture particularly. Thus, it could be concluded that the artists are aware of how rich their culture was. In fact, the materials are portraying the two of the leading and influential contribution of the Greeks in the world: their mythology and their theatre. â€Å"The Judgement of Paris† shows the high regards of the Greeks for their gods. The work also suggests that Greeks believe in the close interactions of gods with humans to so as to resolve a conflict or to further complicate it. Most of all, the work shows that Greek gods—Hera, Athena, Aphrodite—can perform offerings to a human. This may be opposite to other culture’s religion since gods never steps down from his position to ask a favour from a human. On the other hand, the â€Å"Five Characters in a Comic Scene† suggests a perception on Greek comical characters. The actors in a comedy were using masks to hide and to make their faces funny. However, with the work of Da Vinci, it could be concluded that the painter was trying to interpret Greek comical characters different from the way they look when wearing masks. The use of Da Vinci;s distorted faces of the five characters tell that Greek comedy is not as beautiful as it is perceived. The two works of art certainly show their similarities by sharing under the same culture. However, it should be noted that the two also have their differences. While â€Å"The Judgement of Paris† lies behind a cultural narrative that seems to be a celebratory of the Greek mythology and early religion, the â€Å"Five Characters I a Comic Scene† seems to be connected with a cultural narrative that criticizes the Greek comedy per se. Using cultural narratives of the Greeks, it was able to analyze â€Å"The Judgement of Paris† and â€Å"Five Characters in a Comical Scene†. By having a background in the Greek culture, it was possible to give the two materials a more focused interpretation. Clearly, the analysis shows that cultural narratives are important to get a more in-depth look and meanings from any work of art. References Greek and Roman Comedy. Retrieved on 9 June 2008. http://www. theatrehistory. com/ancient/comedy001. html Paris (mythology) – Paris’ childhood, The Judgment of Paris, Paris and the Trojan War, Paris in the arts. Retrieved on 9 June 2008. http://encyclopedia. stateuniversity. com/pages/16736/Paris-mythology. html

Effect of Advertisement on Sales

MKT 321: MARKETING RESEARCH METHODS JAN – APRIL 2013 CAT 1 Using the knowledge and skills acquired in this course (Research methods) explain how would improve the performance of your Research and Development Department in a firm (15 marks) A research and development (R&D) department in a firm is responsible for innovations in design, products, and style. This department is responsible for creating innovative new products to keep companies a step ahead of the competition. Many companies also rely on the R&D department to improve existing consumer products, and to explore new ways of producing them.Companies thrive and succeed by creating innovative products, as well as by increasing company profit and utilizing cost-efficient methods. A research and development department is primarily responsible for ensuring that these goals are met. This is an especially important function in the fields of manufacturing and pharmaceuticals, but can be applied to virtually any industry. Often, research and development works closely with the marketing department. Marketing studies consumer trends by surveying and researching consumer demands, purchasing methods, product sales, and the existence and development of technology across the relevant market.The marketing department gathers all the data, and makes this information available to the R&D department, which will take action in response to the findings and proceed to keep the company on top of current market needs. Consumer demands often change very quickly, and the research and development department must be alert and adapt to these market fluctuations accordingly. I would invest a substantial amount of money to research and development so that it can continually modify and update the firm’s products to preserve a brand's position within the market.This is because even if our product would be leading in the market, however much it is a key product, usually will not remain in the number one market position forev er without some type of improvement and advancement. Research and development department software The progress of innovation research and product development requires a good balance between the team and management involved in R;D projects. VIP Task Manager provides this balance and allows to manage R;D projects and activities effectively.The software helps to carry information on the latest developments and coordinate the resource assignment to new promising projects in efficient and timely way. VIP Task Manager can be used as R;D project management software for organizing the workflow of the department. The software gives the following options Quality is a major issue and R;D department is deeply involved in ensuring quality of new products and attaining the required levels of regulatory requirements. In cooperation with the quality assurance department, R;D department develops a quality plan for new products.When a company sells a product on the marketplace, it should keep regulat ory compliance with legal requirements. By using Centriqs, the R;D managers can organize the workflow for researches and development of new products. In Centriqs, there can be used task templates for researches of typical products as well as for a new product specification development. The software allows to add new workflow with specific task statuses. By introducing Centriqs shareware into the workflow, the R;D department can effective cooperate with QA department through sharing tasks and projects aimed to development of quality plans for new products.The R;D managers can use the Files view to upload regulatory documents to the database and attach documents to required tasks shared between engineers, technicians and scientists. | | Research and development department goals/tasks The main goal of the R;D department is to provide the organization with pro-active leadership in the industry and strong competitive advantages through implementation of new technologies and solutions aim ed to improve current product range and develop new products.The R;D department closely works with the quality assurance department in order to create a new solution for enhancing the sustainability and the quality of products. The tasks of R;D department could be split into two main groups: research and development. The groups are closely linked with each other, however they have some peculiarities. The research activities allow the organization to find more effective ways to produce a product. The development activities are focused on how to implement these ways into manufacturing of the current or a new product.Research and development department in company structure Research and development are often very expensive and it takes much time to get positive results from them. However most businesses invest a lot of money in research and development and build R;D departments. The organizations which have R;D departments in their structure, gain big advantages, because: 1. Products ar e commercialized faster 2. Products reach global markets 3. Contribution to customer confidence 4. Effective exploitation of technologies 5.They gain advantages over rivalsThe research and development department will enable a more progressive and faster transfer of innovations into product development and exploitation. | CAT 2 As a manager you have noted that the sales for a certain product have dropped despite having increased the level of advertising. Explain in details how you would undertake a market research to know whether advertising affects sales (20 marks) a. Background information. The background serves to put research objectives into context, and it will help me to understand why I will pursue the objectives of knowing why advertising affect sales.I would detail what i see as being the main events that have caused or contributed to the advertising effect on sales. Such a background gives a framework for the researcher to investigate other potential events, contributory fa ctors or causes. b. Objectives. The first part of this section would detail which marketing decisions are to be completed once the research has been undertaken. This requires decision-makers to explain what they see as the focus of the decision they plan to make. They then go on to explain what gaps(s) they see in their knowledge. Those gaps create the focus to planned esearch activities and set the research objectives. The formulation of the marketing objectives can encompass two areas: organizational objectives and personal objectives of the decision-maker. For the researcher this may not be explicit or obvious to discern. It may take time working with a decision-maker or a particular organization to see the potential conflicts in organizational and personal objectives. This ‘first-step’ brief offers the opportunity for the researcher to draw out and develop a much clearer vision of marketing and research objectives.Drawing out and developing decisionmakers’ pe rspective of objectives, helps the process of developing a common understanding of what the decision-maker is trying to achieve. c. Target to research. Any market research project will measure, understand or observe a target group of individuals. These may be distinct groups of consumers, channel members such as retailers or competitors, or company employees. In this section, details of the characteristics of the target group(s) can help in much research design decisions.These cover areas of identification, gaining access to conduct research, understanding which techniques are appropriate to measure or understand these individuals, and the best environment or context in which to conduct the research. d. Who is to use the findings? This section would outline brief details of the decision-maker who will use the research findings. For example, certain decision makers may be entrepreneurial and introspective, looking for short-term tactical advantages. Managers with a background and tra ining in statistics may expect results to be analyzed and presented in a particular manner to have any credibility.Other managers may not have such training or may even be distrustful of statistical analysis and seek a more qualitative interpretation. These 19 issues have an impact upon the nature and extent of analysis conducted upon the data collected and the style and format in which research findings will be presented. e. Constraints. The main limitation to marketing researchers carrying out what they may perceive as being the correct way to research a problem is the time and money that the marketer can afford. With knowledge of time and cost constraints, the researcher can develop a research design to suit these eeds. The researcher may also demonstrate other courses of action that could demand greater amount of money or time, but could have clear benefits that the marketer may be unaware of. Other constraints, such as those imposed by the client firm’s personnel, organi zational structure and culture, or decision making styles, should be identified to determine the scope of the research project. Yet constraints should not be allowed to diminish the value of the research to the decision-maker or to compromise the integrity of the research process.In instances where the resources are too limited to allow a project of sufficient quality, the firm should be advised not to undertake formal marketing research. f. Administrative considerations. These would lay out the administrative details in completing the research project. Examples could be the expected delivery of interim reports, contacts in the organization that may be able to help supply further information, or reference to sources of materials and individuals that are needed to complete the research successfully.

Friday, September 13, 2019

The Main Issues Involved in Iranians Annotated Bibliography

The Main Issues Involved in Iranians - Annotated Bibliography Example This research will begin with the review of â€Å"Irangeles: Iranians in Los Angeles† written by Ron Kelley, Jonathan Friedlander, and Anita Colby. The researcher states that in a novel format, this work is a combination of essays, interviews, and photographs of the Iranian immigrants in Southern California. According to the research findings, the work shows how Iranian women in the U.S try to adopt the Western culture and to deny their Iranian roots. This work  helps in explaining the general tendency among the Iranian women writers after the revolution to present themselves as liberal, freedom-loving, and democratic human beings who have nothing to do with terrorism and extremism. The present research has identified that Nesta Ramazani is another female contemporary of Satrapi. With an Iranian father and English mother, Nesta narrates her life in Iran before and after the revolution. This paper illustrates that the writer faces a lot of pressure in the fundamental Iranian society, and manages to struggle through with luck and hard work.   The work shows how Iranian, Islamic, and Western cultures collide, mingle, and influence the lives of people in Iran. The autobiography by Nesta is used in two ways. Firstly, it helps understand the influence of fundamentalism on Iranian people, and secondly, it helps explore the general tendency among Iranian women writers to show adherence to the West.  

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Pakistan's international conflict between secularism and Islamic Essay

Pakistan's international conflict between secularism and Islamic militancy - Essay Example However, the Indian population had its own cultural characteristics with the original Hindu majority interspersed with a large population of Muslims, a remnant of the country’s bygone Mughal era. The Muslim population feared dominance in a vastly Hindu populated region and this fear prompted its leaders to suggest a separate state for the Muslims. The British rulers, who had handled such issues in their two centuries old reign in the region, recognized this factionalism in Indian society and with the perception that the demand was reasonable, acceded to the creation of a separate country for the Muslims. With the Muslim higher intensity of Muslim population in the Northern region of Punjab and the Eastern state of Bengal, it was decided that East and West Pakistan were two entities that would suit the purpose. Accordingly, the Sub-Continent was carved into two states, the independent republic of India and Pakistan, the latter with its two landmasses separated from each other. West Pakistan lay in the north west of the subcontinent with majority population being Punjabis, and East Pakistan at the extreme east of the subcontinent, the majority population being Bengalis. ... The remaining Pakistan in the West was the only surviving Muslim dominated region in the Indian sub-continent which has been driven by hatred for its neighbours, India and Afghanistan, rather than being an independent, progressive state as was envisaged by its creators. The country has been through numerous coups, alternating with short periods of a semblance of democracy, the latter being throttled ruthlessly by military rulers through assassinations, murder and mayhem. The Cold War era saw attempts of domination in the region by the then two superpowers, the United States and the former USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics). Afghanistan had its own internal problems and remained occupied by Soviet forces for almost ten years during the Cold War. This prompted the United States to pump in economic and arms aid to Pakistan, which gleefully accepted the alms to fuel its hatred and threat to India. Although claiming to be a Muslim country, the Pakistani rulers did not hesitate to ally with China, an atheist state, taking advantage of its border dispute with India. The United States assisted Pakistan to form the Taliban, a radical Muslim organization, with an aim to cripple the USSR presence in Afghanistan, which it did with some degree of success. However, after designs of the west and internal economic and political unrest forced the dismantling of USSR, it lost interest in Afghanistan. The Taliban was left without any purpose, or the need for its existence as an entity. But the large number of youth who were recruited into the organization rebelled and trained their guns on the very creators of their organization, the United States of America. Muslim radical organizations like the now famous Al Qaida grew from West Asia and expanded into the Muslim

Wednesday, September 11, 2019


DENTAL HEALTH EDUCATION AND ORAL HYGIENE INSTRUCTION TO A SMOKER COMMUNITY - Essay Example different methods of giving information, I would like to convey to them the possible health difficulties that they will most likely face and ultimately, persuade them to drop the habit. The group that I have specified are my friends who are heavy smokers and who seem to ignore the dangers posed by their habits, I would like to enlighten them on the dangers that they imbue on themselves with smoking. For this study, I will identify six resources that will greatly help in illustrating how dangerous smoking is. Mostly, it will be through the form of websites, journals, case studies and videos that greatly focus on the oral health problems that stem from smoking tobacco. First is an Australian Dental Journal (1999) with the title of the article being ‘Dentist’s attitudes and practices towards smoking’, which in a nutshell aims to identify the importance of the oral health guardians in the dissemination of information and to the persuasion of dropping the smoking habit. (1) To further deepen the study on this article, the researchers used a survey among dentists and their interaction with patients on smoking. The aim was to establish the dentists’ current practice regarding discussing smoking with patients, to explore dentists’ perceptions of the barriers to discussing smoking with patients and to explore dentists’ interest in discussing smoking with patients. During the study, the reasons why smokers cannot stop the habit was identified. (1) Now, regarding my view if this study is effective in persuading smokers to stop smoking, it certainly is. To whom do we entrust our oral health care better than our dentists? If they advise patients on the situation of their oral health, they would most probably listen. And given their knowledge on the situation, it would really be foolhardy for patients to ignore their diagnosis. Another published article about the dangers of smoking tobacco is: ‘Tobacco or Oral Health’ made as a guide to health

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

The Marketing Mix and Key Stakeholder Groups for Ryanair Airline Assignment

The Marketing Mix and Key Stakeholder Groups for Ryanair Airline - Assignment Example This research will begin with the statement that in order to amplify the sustainability and reputation in this age of extreme aggressiveness, it is the stakeholders, who might present positive strategies and policies for the growth the organization. This is because, stakeholders are recognized as those individuals, in which the organization is entirely dependent over a long period of time. Moreover, varied types of internal motives and desires of these stakeholders get fulfilled due to the increase in the organizational productivity and profitability. Other than this, the stakeholders are those individuals, who get affected by the implementation of varied types of inventive activities by the organization. This section identifies the prime stakeholders of Ryanair Airline that offers significant impact and influence over organizational activities are employees, pressure groups, and shareholders. Employees: employees are considered as the internal stakeholders of an organization and pla y a very vital role in organizational improvement. This is because; it is the employees or the human resources of an organization that dedicates his or her total commitment so as to amplify his level of performance or goals. Similarly, the employees or human resources of Ryanair Airline might try to present effective attitude, behavior as well as services so as to satisfy the requirements of the customers. Only then, the reliability and trust of the customers over the hospitality of Ryanair Airlines might get enhanced that may improve the brand image and market share of the brand. Other than this, if the level of hospitality of the employees of Ryanair Airlines is extremely praise-worthy, then the range of customers might get increased that may amplify the profitability and productivity of the organization. However, in order to maintain such type of hospitality, the employees need to offer extensive training and development workshops so as to improve their communication skills and i ntelligence power. Apart from this, in order to make the employees as the most profitable assets of Ryanair, effective communication and participation system need to be implemented, at the time of developing any strategy or policy.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Conservation of Fresco Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Conservation of Fresco - Essay Example Innumerable artists practiced fresco painting during the years to come, and this art became popular through the Greek, Roman and Byzantine Empires. Unfortunately, not many frescos have survived. Some rare Roman frescos are found in Herculaneum and Pompeii. Christians wo lived during the early period from 250 to 400 AD, painted some small frescos as a form of decoration of Roman catacombs, the burial place. The popularity of fresco painting declined after the Renaissance. But Mexican painters Diego Rivera, Jose Orozco, and David Siqueiros were using the techniques of fresco painting in their murals and through this once again the revitalization of fresco art took place. Again during the American Depression, painters like Thomas Hart Benton were engaged in fresco production. Now, fresco art is no longer used as it was used before, the main reason is because of its susceptibility to humidity and weathering. Regard to this reason, many artists have abandoned the fresco painting in the production of serious art. This paper will try to explain a little about fresco painting in general and then move on to the process and technique used in the production of fresco art. Then the paper would deal about the conservation of fresco paintings and finally explain its importance. Calcium carbonate is the binding material that is used in the production of fresco art. ... This results in the formation of calcium carbonate upon the surface of the material thus forming the plaster. The colour is applied before this change occurs so that it gets settled underneath the plaster formation which then looks similar to a glass. When viewed through a microscope, a particle or piece of fresco looks like thousands of minute mosaic put together and creates an astounding appearance. The art produced in such a way is called as fresco art or painting. It is not very difficult to paint a simple fresco if we are well aware of the process and technique. Many people throughout the world are engaged in fresco painting as entertainment or part of their hobby. Finally, to make this process very easy here is a short cut. Fresco painting is nothing but applying pure colour onto wet lime and the next thing that happens is the formation of crystalline substance over the wet surface. Now, the whole thing dries up producing fresco. One of the great things to have in mind is that all over the world ancient people followed this process in the creation of fresco art. Though the people of the ancient civilization had no means of communication, yet they all followed the same process in the making of painting and this is so surprising to us. It has led modern chemists to analyse the process through the study of ancient artists of different places. ELEMENTS OF FRESCO There are five elements that are used for creating a fresco. I have listed out one by one below so that there may not be any confusion. 1. The Structural Wall - This wall is the physical body in which the artist creates the fresco art. 2. The Design - Refers to the fresco's environment or architectural setting. 3. Lime

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Ashura practices (religious practice) Research Paper

Ashura practices (religious practice) - Research Paper Example gious practice may depend on the commitment that a follower ascribes to the act as well as the pledge to keep practicing that act even among future generations. Usually, meaning increases when members of the faith agree the symbolic value of the happening on, and if it is associated with the historical roots of the religious group. Typical examples of religious practices include baptism, where members are immersed in water and transformed into new spiritual beings; this mostly happens in Christian groups. Fasting is also common among a series of faiths such as Islam, Buddhism and Christianity; it involves abstinence from food for a certain period in order to focus and strengthen one’s religious conviction. Even a simple act like attendance of a religious ceremony in a Jewish temple, mosque or church may also be regarded as a religious practice. Islam, just like other religions, has a series of practices; some may differ depending on one’s sect or religious conviction but others are common to all. The five pillars of Islam are religious practices that all believers in the faith agree on, and they include shahada, salat, zakat, sawm and hajj (Chibli 34). The first one refers to acknowledgement of the supremacy of the God Allah and his prophet Muhammad while the second one focuses on five obligatory prayers. Giving the poor alms, fasting in the holy month of Ramadan and visiting Mecca at least once are the other shared religious practices respectively (Wheeler 59). Ashura is a religious practice that is also common to all Muslims, but the meaning of the day and its manifestation are significantly different between the two predominant religious groups. Sunni Muslims largely centre on the Prophet’s interpretation of the day; it commemorates the day that Noah‘s ark was rescued as well as the day when God gave Moses the ten commandments (Wilfrid and Nourallah 141). It is also historically significant because it is believed that this was the day when several

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Cas a Constant Struggle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cas a Constant Struggle - Essay Example However, aside from simply being able to give each person the capability of doing things that they ought to complete as individual beings in the community, liberty has also paved way to a wider and more diverse society that is populated by individually aspired population who wants to make a name of their own within the society that they are living in. THE United States Bill of Rights has generated so much interest that in 50 years, some 700 books have been written about it-over 40 of them this year alone. Since 1991 is the 200th anniversary of the adoption of the Bill of Rights, people were even more interested in this subject. Yet, a poll revealed that 59 percent of the American public do not know what the Bill of Rights is. When the Constitution of the United States was ratified in 1788, it allowed for amendments that would clarify positions not clearly defined in the Constitution. In 1791 the first ten amendments were added to the Constitution. These ten amendments had to do with liberty and became known as the Bill of Rights, for they guarantee to the people of the United States certain individual liberties. The word freedom in its broad sense as used in the Bible and in the field of government means merely "acting at will". "Freedom is the state of being free; liberty; self-determination. The power of acting, in the character of a moral personality, according to the dictates of the will, without other check, hindrance, or prohibition than such as may be imposed by just and necessary laws and the duties of social life." The word "liberty", as generally used, is practically synonymous with the word "freedom". "Liberty is freedom; exemption from extraneous control. The power of the will to follow the dictates of its unrestricted choice, and to direct the external acts of the individual without restraint, coercion, or control from other persons is the main idea supported by the thoughts of applying liberty in the human society. The capability of human individuals to act upon what they want and to react upon what they see the way that they want to is a clear depiction of the actual applicat ion of liberty today. According to some social psychologists, the want of being free and being able to do what they want is innate in humans. It is a major part of the human behavior that sets people apart from the being that animals follow. Everybody in the society wants to appear better than what is usually seen from others. The initial want for fame is an undeniable cause for such thinking. This is primarily the reason why the dream of having an equal society is most likely believed to have been hindered by the forces implied through the application of individual liberty. So as soon as the news spread that a constitution was in the making, freedom-loving people began a movement for a national bill of rights that would guarantee their liberties and would separate Church from State. If the people were in such fear of a centralized national government, why would they create it After the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776, a new governmental system was needed. British rul e in each colony came to an end. The states then adopted the